24 July 2007

Fresh pickin's

Nature works! It’s a thing of beauty:

From tiny plants to big bushes, filled with fruit. These are my lovely plum cherry tomatoes. I’ve eaten 10 of them so far, and make no mistake: they are awesome! Bursting with flavor. Each time I take a bite I’m doing a little “mmm mmmm” with a proud Cheshire cat grin.

Still to come:

Big-ass plum tomatoes. If these things ripen and don’t spoil, I’m gonna be in tomato heaven. I already talked to mom about how to freeze them so I can make my favorite tomato-basil soup this winter.

And here’s a picture of kitten (bad bad kitten who licked my raw steak yesterday -- ew!) steering well clear of my picked cherry toms. She’s like, “where’s the meat, dude?”

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