I had no idea how to make them, so I did a quick web search. Most recipes call for roasting them, but I wanted them raw -- to understand their flavor. So I came across a beet salad recipe on Epicurious that has you grate them, mix in some sherry vinegar, Dijon mustard and oil. Um... well, yeah, you say: add all that stuff and you won't be able to taste the damn beets. But now I see why. Beets are bland! I'm sure they're good for you. And I'll probably have them again. But it was a bit of let-down. At least I got the stripey Chiogga beets -- they're so pretty!
Anyway, to continue the red theme, I ate cherries while making my official dessert -- rhubarb and strawberry crumble. I'd never made rhubarb before. What a simple thing to do! Mix it up with sugar, butter, cinnamon, oats, flour and a dash of nutmeg, and wow -- it's awesome! This crumble is so easy to make that I'm going to rethink ever having it at a restaurant again.
That said, it was the crumble that almost burned. I popped it in the oven and went outside to bring the laundry off the line and give my plants a quick watering in case it doesn't rain tonight. Unfortunately, I absent-mindedly closed the door behind me. Of course you know: it was locked. I went to our front door, started ringing the bell for Richard. Nothing. Pounded on the door. Rang the bell. Pounded on the door. Thinking maybe the bell wasn't working, I ran to the back door and pressed that bell ten times then ran back to the front door so Richard could see me. Nothing. I'm thinking: maybe he's in the bathroom and can't come out just now. So, I pottered in the yard for a few minutes, pulling up weeds. Came back to the door, started ringing and knocking. Nothing. I can see the clock from the window & time is up on my crumble. So in a panic I start hitting the door as hard as I can with my fist. Richard comes downstairs, opens the door, looks at me like I'm freakin' nuts and says "What's going on?" I run over to the oven and pull the crumble out as I'm explaining.
I feel like an old crazy lady losing her mind. Richard keeps apologizing: he thought I was pounding meat on the counter and the bell isn't working.
But as you know, the crumble was/is fine. We're all fine.
Love your new format...
hehe funny story.
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