19 September 2009

there's no place like home

So we have started to stumble our way into what home ownership is all about: Home Depot, fixing things, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, doing laundry, cooking dinner, sitting around. I am absolutely, completely and utterly happy. Long may this blissful brand of homeownership remain, and never may we have to deal with leaking toilets, non-working furnaces, felled trees or any other baloney.

Made four dozen lemon cookies to take to our immediate neighbors tomorrow. Hoping that by giving them sweets, they'll be sweet to us. Seriously; that be kind to your neighbor stuff tends to work.

Bought two lovely big bushels of flowers at Home Depot. Home pride is kicking in!

What's not so much about pride but about respecting my parents' privacy: we put up some temporary window treatments in the spare bedroom today, in preparation for their arrival on Wednesday. Essentially they're shower curtain rods acting as curtain rails with ugly-sister curtains hanging on them. But believe me, it's prettier than the heavy black paper stuck to our own bedroom windows with gray duct tape.

Ah no matter. Can't wait till to show off our home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Peach,
did you decorate the front porch with the two pumpkins as well, or were those housewarming gifts? Very cute touch.